"Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine". Is.43:1
Last week was very "tranquillo" as we would say in Spanish and was filled with good fellowship, rest, and love. My roommate and I borrowed the book "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers which is a fictional novel based on the book of Hosea. We have been reading together during our free time and just finished it last week. It is now one of my favorite books! It really helped me grasp how much God truly loves us, is persuing us, and has redeemed us so that we can be with him; even when we don't think we are worthy. I was able to see from the perspective of those that we will be working with here in Peru, how they might view God, and how I might show them their true value in Christ. Eventhough it's a little long, I recommend it to all!!!
Here is a brief outline of what last week looked like:
Sunday we met our pastors at our church for the first time since they had been away. It was also an actual day of rest which was a rarity back home. Our Peruvian host parents also returned from their two-week vaction at the beach. It is so nice having them home because my Spanish usage has increased tremendously!
Monday was also very restful with a study session with the group at a local ice cream shop (we did actually study a little)!
Tuesdays have become one of my favorite days of the week because all the Extreme staff in Arequipa comes together in the morning for a time of prayer. We have also been doing a corperate time of fasting in the mornings and join for lunch to break the fast together. My roommate Cailyn and I have decided to add to our day by fasting the internet since we feel that it is a huge distratcion at times. It turned out to be a really productive day and we plan on continuing that each Tuesday.
Wednesday Cailyn and I were invited for a night out with the beautiful Wilkins family who we have the privilege of living with! The picture above is all of us at Bruno's Pizzaria which was very tastey! I really enjoyed the fellowship and the opportunity to spend some time with our new family.
Thursdays have become our time as a cohort to meet and have a group devotion. I have really enjoyed our last few meetings and the insights that the group has to share.
Friday the group went out to the plaza to a Mexican restaurant called Tacos and Tequilla. We had such a wonderful time listening to the American music with our amazing burritos and tacos (without the tequilla of course)!
Saturday I woke up at 6a.m. to go on a 1 1/2 hour walk with my Peruvian parents along the countryside. It was breathtaking (the view as well as the hike)! I really enjoyed the opportunity to spend with them and practice my español! I then met up with the rest of the group to go out to celebrate the birthday of our new friend Rachael Miller who is the secretary for Extreme. After lunch, we walked around the plaza and then met with the director of Extreme, Brian Tibbs, for some Cusco coffee, pizza, and a movie. Though it was an exhausting day, I really appreciated the time that we were able to spend as a group with the Tibb's family.
Sunday we had a wonderful time at the church and are started to make connections and will hopefully be getting more involved shortly!
A month has passed by now since I left Ohio! It's hard to believe that it's been such a short time because I feel I have been with everyone here for much longer! I hope you all have a wonderful week and if you get a chance, I would love to hear from you all!! Dios les bendiga!