"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose". Romans 8:28

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Season change: Healing in KC!

Greetings from Belton Missouri! I have been wanting to write this post for some time now, but just kept putting it off and I am glad that I did so that I can share with you all the full extent of what God has been doing during my time here.

It's been almost a month now since I left my home in Ohio and ventured out to Kansas City to follow my love here and begin a new season of my life. The getting here was faced with many obstacles and I had several doubts that this was going to work out, but I kept persevering. My living situation changed before even getting down here and I am now next door to my friend Anne living with her neighbor Beth. I know that God had this planned for both of us and it has worked out wonderfully, even though Beth has children my age! My car is also different than originally planned. Thirty minutes into my first attempt to KC, my little Honda would go no further! I had to go car hunting that Monday and with the help of a Godly car salesmen who has connections to IHOP, I was able to drive away with a 2003 Saturn L200 (which I have already ran into a pole)! My trip down here was long, painful, and quiet because of IPOD issues, but I finally made it! I started work the following day, enjoy my first full-time job, and am now fully trained as of Thursday.

I am only 15 minutes from the International House of Prayer and have been filling my time with hours in the prayer room, two small groups, teachings, and services. My first week here, I happened to be in the prayer room during the healing ministry. I went of course, but left feeling the same. However, I knew then that God would soon heal me and that this season of rest is a gift from him. It was difficult adjusting to my new life on my own, but it has been worth it all! I have encounter God and fallen more in love with him in just these past few weeks than I have ever. Sometimes we just need to be taken aside, to be still, and just allow him to minister to us.

Ok so ready for the full extent of God's awesomeness: last night at the church service, God began to heal me! I know that for some this is a strange occourance and many are skeptically until it happens to them or someone they are close to. I had been praying for healing and prayed with hundred's of times since March. I was a little discourgaged last night as others were giving their testimonies of how God healed them and seeing others dance and I just told God that I wanted to share my testimony of healing and dance for him. I started praying for others for healing. It was easier to believe God would heal others, but not me. However, he wants to pour out his affections on ALL of his children! We are ALL worthy to be healed! As I was praying with someone right before the service, I began to feel the pain move from my neck and back down to my left hand. I went back to my friend Anne and told her that my hand was hurting, but nothing else was. She prayed with me and then the message started. Now God's timing on all of this is pretty comical because the message was on SUFFERING! During the message, the pain in my hand happened three other times and then would go away. I could literally feel my neck and back tingling and things getting put in place. Crazy I know, but God's love is crazy (a book I highly recommend: Crazy Love)!

So after the service, I decided to test out my body to see if this was really happening. I sat on the floor without any support on my back for 20 mins, raised my left arm for a long time, and then I danced, haha. I know it's not very Nazarene, but I had told God earlier that I wanted to dance for him and he allowed me to. Two hours pass by and still no pain!! This is obviously a miracle because earlier that day I went to a museum with a friend and was in severe pain just walking!! Last night I slept on my side which I haven't done in 8 months and it was just another confirmation that God is healing me. Now there is still a slight pain, but I feel that is more from lack of use of my muscles than anything. Sorry this is so long, but God is just so worthy to be praised and I wanted to make sure that you all had the full story!!! Thank you again for the continued prayers and believing this would happen even when I didn't! I believe he wants to do the same for all of you! More prayers that this stays away are much appreciated!!!!

" Come and listen all you who fear God and I will tell you what he did for me. For I cried out to him for help, praising him as I spoke. If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. Praise God who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me". Psalm 66:16-20.